
WS-52.JPGMang Yang Pass - Part III123 viewsInteresting details on this infamous Pass going back to the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. Also: see "War Story- On The Line" about a skirmish at the Pass.

MK130.jpgMore Additional Duties123 viewsServing as FO on night perimeter night duties at Firebase Oasis in 69. Using a Starlight scope...great for spotting dinks and tigers.

WS-56.JPGGraduated!123 viewsMade it through Basic Combat Training! Wonder if they'll send me to Nam?

WS-113.JPGCamp Enari123 viewsFront Gate in the foreground.

WS-176.JPGPCS for Snoopy123 viewsPV1 Snoopy is put on orders; he moves from 2/9th Arty to HHB, DivArty.

Turner_68.jpgPleiku Marketplace123 viewsNot to be confused with the air-conditioned malls back in the US.

Turner_131.jpgPleiku123 views

GDS,Roman,Keith.jpgThe Hospitality Suite123 viewsThe Redlegs: Gary Dean Springer, Tom Roman, and Don Keith represent the 2/9th Arty.

Lynne,Mike,Jeanne2.jpgPhoto Shoot123 viewsFO Lt Mike Kurgis was a close friend of KIA Roger Fulkerson and played a key role in the story of the wonderful reunion....30 years after the fact.

TR4.jpg"Yeah, I'm talking to my girl"123 viewsDate: 22Oct68 Location: 40 mi S of Ban Me Thuot; 5 mi from Cambodia and the NVA. Working hard as always in the "Home Sweet Home" bunker. Notice the definite look of tension from the war. Actually, this is a quiet moment in the FDC shack (CONEX).

TR24.jpgAll Mine123 viewsDate: 8March1968 Location: LZ Valentine
....and, so as I recall, I singlehandedly beat back the enemy and captured this cache....uhhh...just don't mention this to Recon!
NVA rounds found by Recon Patrol after firing approx 600 rounds into the area. B-40 rockets, rifle grenades, Chicom hand grenades, 106mm recoilless rifle, AK-47, 51-cal MG, 82 & 60mm mortar rounds.

TS-39.JPGDustoff Bird123 viewsPossibly taken at LZ Valentine
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