
MK8.jpgThe FNG258 views"FNG" Lt Kurtgis attending orientation at Camp Enari and getting assignment as the FO for "B" Company, 1/35th.

Firing.jpgLZ OD257 viewsBase Piece fires. Note the hearing safety devices.

KontumHills2.jpg257 views

DP5a.JPGLZ Baldy - south of Hoi An257 viewsFebruary, 1968. SSG Ronnie Kackley (Little Rock, Ark) and me in front of the S-1 hootch.

DB-2.JPGVietnam Yearbook256 viewsWell, if we had one, this is what Don's picture would look like.

TS-72.jpgThe Standown Ladies256 viewsThese young beauties, out of uniform as they may be, are still a very welcome sight at LZ Oasis as the unit was "standing down". Admiring are: Frank Adams, Terry Savely, and Bill Burdick.

IMG_2607.JPG"And we'd go back and do it again, too!"255 viewsDennis Dauphin and Don Keith share their history with the 2/9th FA.

IMG_2608.JPG"This is the way it was, I'm telling you!"255 viewsEd Thomas, FO extraordinaire, mentor to new FOs and a legend in the field, tells a "war story" while Capt Dave Collins nods off gently.

Hwy19-Bunker.jpgSide View255 viewsSide view of tactical bridge site. The bunker at far right provided night protection. Snipers harassed our A/2/35 perimeter from the trees at top.

Cmd_Staff.jpgLZ OD - Command & Staff254 viewsRadar Officer Emil Franklin, Capt Mike Casp (KIA, Nov 67), Lt Dennis Munden, FCO, 1Sgt William Rollins, Lt Dennis Dauphin, XO. "A" Battery, LZ OD
Sign says: "Practice Malaria Discipline"

DB-6.JPG"Bootlegger"254 viewsThe mascot of "B" Battery, circa 1969.

001.jpgModern-day Bert254 viewsStrolling around Paris...many years later.
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