
MK209.jpgCobra125 viewsIt was as BAD as it looked!

MK267.jpgLt Friend125 viewsLt Friend, fearless, courageous...a real combat engineer. His jeep was shot up pretty good during the "Attack on The Oasis". {See MK-289}

WS-61.JPGArrival in Nam125 viewsHurry up and wait...even in Nam.

WS-115.JPGCamp Enari125 viewsExcellent shot of Dragon Mountain.

WS-160.JPGChristmas Party125 viewsThe 1969 Christmas Party

WS-208.jpgOn the march125 viewsTaking part in a Cambodian operation.

DK-Home2.jpgWar's Over...for me125 viewsGuess I'll take my briefcase full of fire missions home with me.

vn#20.jpgMakeshift Bunker125 viewsMay not look pretty...but it's effective! Ammo crates over a hole in the ground. A quick fix. Best if the ammo crates are empty.

TS-50.JPGInbound Chinook125 viewsResupply...can't survive in the field without it!

2010-Pitts5.JPGAnother "First Timer"125 viewsEd Moor displays his new "Arty Shirt" while chatting with Cacti Reunion veteran Dennis Munden who is also wearing his "Arty Shirt".

File_8-3.JPGBreak time125 viewsTaking time to smell the jungle.

File_8-4.JPGAir Taxi125 views{UNKs in chopper} We moved around a lot.
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