The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

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JCook42.JPGField Entertainment126 viewsSgt Cook does a "Napoleon" pose seated next to an unknown star in the entertainment world. But, thanks to Danny Yates, he now knows that it is Diane McBain sitting next to him. She is wearing the same outfit she wore while visiting Danny Yates' battery. The arm of Tippi Hedren can be seen next to the Battery Commander. Seated next to Joe is Cpl William C. Tyler, based on the name placed on his helmet liner.
Reunion_Photo_-_Joe_Cook.JPGReunion Photo - Joe Cook126 viewsWelcome Home, "Blue Lighters". Joe Cook, Raymond Hobbs, and Mike Huseth were among the first arrivals in Nam from the 2/9th FA's home in Hawaii. Directly behind them are Les Cotten and Ernie Kingcade...also of "Blue Light" fame.
Fort.JPGModern Day Danny126 viewsDanny attended our historic 2/9th Reunion at Ft Sill, OK in May-June 2013.
Medley_Departs.JPGWhy Is This Man Smiling? Because he is going home!126 viewsBecause it's April 10, 1970 and I'm getting out of Dodge. Had another white tee shirt in my AWOL bag that had been in storage at Enari and they gave us new boots and jungle fatigues. Getting ready to board a bus to the Pleiku Airbase and hop on the big Air Force jet with 71 other guys to accompany the colors of the 3rd BDE to Ft. Lewis, Washington. We were all E-5 and above or O1 or O2s. No one knew how or why we were selected, but in trying to puzzle it out we decided that apparently the primary qualification was having over 10 1/2 months in country, holding the ranks someone thought appropriate, able to clean up well, and capable of being retrained to march. Enari had been moved over to Radcliff, so to the best of our knowledge the 72 of us, minus confiscated weapons, were alone inside the huge basecamp with just the 1/12th (no offense intended) the worst battalion in the brigade sleeping a couple of guys in every 2nd or 3rd perimeter bunkers.
Redleg_Lunch-8.JPGSetting the record straight126 viewsSpouse Barb Keith interjects and probably "corrects" one of Don's stories. Meanwhile, John "Moon" Mullins, right, gets the right version.
JFO-18.JPGChecking the newspaper126 viewsJust like a meal, read the paper.
JFO-24.JPGDaily Scene126 viewsA helo flies over a firebase somewhere in Nam.
Allin_Hall_5.JPGArrival126 viewsDavid and Marie Scott outside Allin Hall.
IMG_2605.JPG"Did I ever tell you about the time I...."125 viewsBert G. Landau, FO tells another war story.
Atk-5.JPGAftermath125 viewsVC wounded in the attack attended to.
Viet_Fish_pier.jpgSights & Scenes125 viewsFishing pier
Police_Station.jpgSights & Scenes125 viewsFriendly gate guard waves
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