
029.JPG127 views

DY-4.jpgCaribou Landing127 viewsThe very first Caribou lands at the LZ Montezuma airstrip. Later, the LZ was also known as "FSB Bronco". The Caribou aircraft was still part of the Army inventory during Vietnam.

DY-17.jpgSky Attack127 viewsJets attacking the perimeter.

MK114.jpgNew assignment127 viewsTaking off for Plei Me, Plei D'jereng, Macong as an Artillery Advisor to the ARVN units near the Oasis. From Dak To to the Ia Drang.

MK119.jpgAntique helo127 viewsThis was 50s technology; not too mechanically reliable.

MK154.jpgF-4 Phantoms127 viewsF-4 Phantoms and F-105s also controlled by "Cider FACs" and yours truly. Coordinated fire missions meant "rounds on the grounds" with very little delay between Artillery and Air Strikes. Big benefit for the guys in "contact" on the ground.

MK236.jpgThe TOC127 viewsOutside the TOC at the 2/9th Arty Bn HQ; The Oasis.

WS-213.JPGThe Parking Lot127 views

WS-215.JPGClose Call127 viewsI was scheduled to be on this convoy heading out of LZ Hardtimes.

WS-216.JPG6/29th Arty - Camp Radcliff127 viewsSome of the guys sent to the 6/29th Arty: Sam Bailey and Griffith Crooks.

WSx-3.jpgMPC127 viewsTen cents' worth

TS-40.JPGDustoff Bird, Pt II127 viewsPossibly taken at LZ Valentine
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