
Turner_115.jpgPleiku132 viewsThe sights, sounds and (smells) of Pleiku.

TR17.jpgChow!132 viewsDate: 7June68 Location: LZ Penny
Devouring C-ration stew.
L to R: Arab - Dog - Dink - Gary - Nauman
Practically everyone was known by a nickname.

Bill_Ross.jpgSp4 Bill Ross132 views2/9th Motor Pool, Schofield Barracks, 1964. {See modern-day photo of Bill Ross}

2010-Pitts6.JPG"No, I don't care about Jenny Craig"132 viewsGood ol' buddies Lt Gary Dean Springer and Lt Bert Landau chat on the porch.

Tex_3-1.JPGThe Guys132 views

SG-1.JPGLeaving English behind132 viewsAfter we left LZ English (Bong Son), we set up for a few days on the edge of a runway where a Caribou or two would land quite close. This was just prior to "A" Btry flying off to Kontum from AFB Phu Cat.

JS-10.JPGFSB 34132 viewsBest guess is FSB 34....an unusual FBase...Arty on one end and

JS-15.JPGLZ St George132 viewsOur firebase at LZ St George.

SG-23.JPGAirstrip at LZ Pony132 viewsDid I say that we were adjacent to a landing strip? Any closer and I would have lost my head.

JD-340.JPG132 views

JoeH_-_12.JPGCamera Crackers132 viewsBlue Trouble: L to R: Roger L. Stitt, Joe Henderson, Don Johnson, and Howard Johnson (who sold all his hotels).

In_Memoriam.JPGSaturday Evening Banquet132 viewsThe Grand Ballroom of the Crowne Plaza was the site of the annual Banquet honoring the fallen.
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