
MK-73.jpgSet & Ready132 viewsGot my supplies; I'm good to go.

MK-80.jpgDuc Lap132 viewsDuc Lap Hill 691 - Classic assault up the hill results in 3 KIA, 23 WIA in "B" Company, 2/35th.

MK-85.jpgNote home132 viewsQuick letter to home after firefight.

MK102.jpgThe Gun132 viewsThis 175mm gun was located at LZ Oasis also. It has a range of 32 klicks, but it is the least accurate of the artillery pieces.

MK144.jpgIn Business132 viewsThe place for laundry and other services. Didn't take long for the locals to learn the basics of doing business the American way.

MK-58.jpgVietnamese cattle132 viewsWater buffalo roam freely in the area.

2008Reunion-09f.jpgLet's Party132 viewsJerry Walling of C-1-35.

2008Reunion-09g.jpgBattalion Commander132 viewsLtCol Taylor and his wife attend the C-1-35 reception.

WS-53.JPGUncle Sam Wants Me!132 viewsOh-oh...here it is! Gotta report at 6am. What? 6am? Are you kidding me? Guess they weren't.

WS-97.JPGHooch Maids132 viewsRichards posing with some Oasis "hooch maids". Far right is "Suzie".

WS-125.JPGThe Captain132 viewsCaptain Robert Baird at the HQ area of Camp Enari.

breaktime.JPG132 viewsSp4 John M. Waldman, RTO for Lt Don Kieth's FO party looks totally bushed. John was on hand for our "first and only" 2/9th reunion at Ft Sill organized by Maj Jerry Orr.
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