
Modern-Day_Mike_Medley.JPGModern Day Mike & spouse133 viewsFast-forward to August, 2014, just a "few" years later. Mike Medley and wife of 47 years, Karen Medley. Mike is proud of his "Ole Miss" cap, home of his law degree.

JoeH_-_8.JPGHey, there133 views(R) Allen Meyer

Ron-smoking.jpgPipe Smoker133 viewsRon was a pipe smoker.

FDC_Boys.JPGThe Two Dennis133 viewsHome safe from Vietnam, Dennis Munden and I will never forget our 24-hr shift sharing in the A/2/9 FDC atop LZ OD. We computed so many fire missions, especially after landing in Duc Pho to relieve the US Marines who were sent further north. It was a time of great stress and concentration, putting the artillery where it was needed. Photo taken at Dauphin's home in Ocean Springs, MS.

end.jpgJune, 1964 - Men of the 2/9th hear Vietnam Deployment Rumors133 views1st Row: Sp4 Reece, Davis, Lake, Moore, Baum, Matronne, Richard Bates
2nd Row: Doakes, Balaoing, Goran, Sheehan, Mauromatis, Ernesto Rodriguez, Mead, Ed Tucker, Guleck
3rd Row: Baker, Fellman, Jerry George, Books, Bey, Carey, Nolan, Hornrein, Brown
4th Row: King, Hartley, Williams, Bullock, Atkinson, Dixon, Kieper, D'Amico, Gary Leach
5th Row: Connelly, Daniel McDonald, Jerry Chastian, Maynard Oulette, Marvin Cazzel, Wayne Engum, Robert Dykes, Somerville, Nelson

JH-5.jpgHospitality Suite133 viewsDave Collins at far right.

JH-10.jpg133 views

JH-11.jpg133 views

DM15.jpgIn The Flag132 viewsRadar Officer Emil Franklin is all smiles as he shows off a letter from home.

WS-31.JPGAmmo Section132 viewsJerry Genson stands near the remains of the Ammo Section tent.

WS-33.JPGRocket Hole132 viewsAnother look at the rocket crater by the ASP.

MK-67.jpgStream Crossing132 viewsI thought we'd get ambushed here for sure.
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