
JM-21.JPGDamn...the thing works!134 viewsSame as photo JM-20. Somebody send a "Flash" message to Ft. Sill.

JM-27.JPGLet's Go Home!134 viewsIt's all over for us. Members of my Ft Sill AIT have completed their tour of duty, gladly demonstrating their "I'm this short!" signals. A wonderful feeling.
At left is Don Primer of A/2/9 and Mark Jowers, 4th from left.

Price_Reunion_9.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price134 viewsAh...the great memories of the FDC tools we used in Vietnam. The only thing missing is the CONEX container that provided a 24-hr protected work environment. Without that, the FDC would be out of commission and unable to operate with the weather extremes found in the jungle. The "tent FDC" shown was a "first effort", but very untenable; we would be chasing maps and papers all over the place.

Price_Reunion_2.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price134 viewsUnit prepares the 777 155mm howitzer for firing; firing demonstration arranged by the 78th FA Battalion at Ft Sill. It was a major agenda item on our 2/9th FA reunion.

Snow_Hall.JPGGunnery 101 taught here134 viewsYessir...we all know where Snow Hall is located. Back in our day, the interior of Snow Hall had a distinctive odor the minute you walked in. It wasn't good or bad, just kinda "earthy" smelling...something you would always recognize and remember. Well, gents...I'm here to tell you that THE "SMELL" IS GONE!" Perhaps it was a new air conditioning system or many new coats of paint, but the "smell" is no more!

JS-6.JPG"Forgotten FO"134 viewsLt. Jim Hunter...somewhat of a "forgotten FO". We were together for a
few months with "B" 1st 14th. He was attached to some "CIDG's" (Civilian Irregular Defense Group) and he came back for a few months again.

Danny_-John_Wayne-_Fort.jpg46 years earlier...134 viewsNot much change, eh?
The FDO wouldn't wear his .45cal, so when we moved, I usually did. Other times, it set on the FADAC if someone wasn't wanted in the FDC. So, it was handy to have around. It sent a message.

DM38.jpgFighting at LZ Lane134 viewsCannoneers of "B" Battery, 2/9th, Nov66, battle of LZ Lane.

Joe_10.jpgVisiting DC134 viewsNewlyweds Merch and Mike Kurtgis stand against the night light of the Capitol.
Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson

WC-4.JPGAnother daring FO!134 viewsLt Wayne Crochet of New Orleans, LA takes a long look at "what's out there". Wayne served with B/2/35 in the 1967-68 era.
Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood of B/2/35

WC-1.JPGThink this path may be flooded134 viewsFO Lt Wayne Crochet stands knee-deep in a stream with "Poncho", the Company Commander's RTO. One way to "cool your dogs" and wash your boots at the same time.
Photo courtesy of Cliff "Westy" Westwood of B/2/35

JC-18.JPGUnknown134 viewsAnyone recognize this person?
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