
WmWard-5.JPGIn Memory of Ronnie Mishima135 viewsJohn Bowden with coin.
Ronnie Mashima was a cannoneer in Bravo Battery with me and Danny Fort. He wanted very much to come to the reunion but was unable to. He sent 3 coins to me. He wanted me and Danny to have one and someone who remembered him to have the other. John Bowden remembered him well. Ronnie wanted in some way to be represented at the reunion.

WS-14.JPGPopcorn time134 viewsEdwin Greer and Dennis Couch pop the popcorn using C-4 as the energy source.

WS-38.JPGThe Gang134 viewsTop: Robert Gardner, KC King, Sam Bailey. Middle: Mike Fairweather, Jerry Genson, Dennis Couch. Kneeling: Walt Schneidereit.

WS-41.JPGCamp Enari134 viewsThe motor pool at Camp Enari.

WS-51.JPGMang Yang Pass - Part II134 viewsInteresting details on this infamous Pass going back to the French defeat at Dien Bien Phu. Also: see "War Story- On The Line" about a skirmish at the Pass.

MK-2.jpgGood Morning, Vietnam!134 viewsIndex of following photos.

MK5.jpgHousing134 views"C" Huts and bunkers

MK-65.jpgClassic Stream Crossing134 viewsBeen there, done that. Crossing a stream can always ruin your day...especially if you're carrying a load of "funny money" (MPC).

MK84.jpgAftermath134 viewsDon't touch anything! Pound the hell out of hill 691 and surrounding area.

MK152.jpgC-123134 viewsThe workhorse: C-123

MK155.jpgThe Pilot134 viewsRiding with Air Force Maj Ferrell, "Cider FAC" (Forward Air Controller).

MK249.jpgKids134 viewsSeems like there were hundreds of kids around.
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