
DJ-16.jpg135 viewsBn S-4 Bill Baker and Lynn Knight, Company "A" Commander

Viet_Children.jpgSights & Scenes135 viewsVietnamese chilren in the roadway.

MK176.jpgFirst Shirt135 viewsHeadquarters Battery First Sergeant Ray Forester.
Firebase Oasis, 1969.

MK240.jpgRTO135 viewsRay Plunkett with his RTO gear: a 25lb PRC-25 radio and his M-16.

MK163.jpgOn station135 viewsNice aerial view of the AO.

MK265.jpgBeach area135 viewsGreat area, as long as you had guards posted.

WS-68.JPGConvoy135 viewsMike Fairweather with Walt Schneidereit.

WS-84.JPGPure Water135 viewsIn the background is a water purification plant providing potable water for LZ Oasis and surrounding units.

JWW7.jpgPizza Order?135 viewsThe Top, XO and someone recording. Not likely a pizza order; more like another day at the office.

TS-45.JPGAward Formation135 viewsLt Donnie Blankin receiving an award.

Les_Cotten___Unk.jpgLes Cotten135 viewsLeslie (Les) Cotten, prior to the Operation Blue Light deployment to Nam. PFC at right is unknown.

Guyton_North.jpgCongrats, Wardell135 viewsWardell Guyton is congratulated by Ollie North upon his retirement.
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