Most viewed - 2-9th Encore Reunion

MK-11.JPGArrival92 viewsMike Kurtgis, John Cashin, and Carlton Epps all served together in Nam. Like a 50-year old reunion!

Joe_H-4.JPGFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, Lawton92 viewsBill Henson, Past President of the 35th Assn, Jim Connolly, and Joe Henderson. Jim and Joe worked in the TOC (Tactical Operations Center) of the 2/35th Inf Battalion.

FP-9.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration91 views

Grad_2.jpgGraduation91 viewsDS Riley calls cadence and commands to the grads.

Firing_Range_3.jpgFiring Range91 views

Warriors.jpgMove to 1-19th FA training area91 viewsThree old warriors exit vehicles enroute to the 1/19th FA training area. L to R: Carlton Epps, Jerry Orr, and Dennis Dauphin

WmWard-9.jpg1/19th FA Training Area91 viewsAll of our redleg red-shirts drove convoy-style to the Training. We got a first-hand look at modern-day Trainee barracks and living conditions as well as some rifle training and mingling with the Trainee themselves. All commented on how sharp these young men and women are in today's Army. We are justly proud of them.
Photo courtesy of William Ward.

Joe_H-2.JPGFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, Lawton91 viewsJoe (in neon yellow shirt) and Sandy Turner next to Ernie Correia, who is wearing his "official" 2/9th shirt.

Open_Forum_-_2.jpgOpen Forum90 viewsSeated on chairs in front of the Trainees, Jerry Orr makes some opening remarks.

FP-13.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration90 viewsAll the burned out truck bodies and tanks are no longer downrange targets. The target was to hit a particular ridge line.
Guess the EPA made Ft Sill clean up their artillery ranges.

FP-14.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration89 views

FP-12.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration89 viewsWhat a beautiful day to be on the Range at Ft Sill!
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