WmWard_-_8.jpgFirst Event - Ted's Cafe, Lawton94 viewsWe began the Encore reunion with a group dinner at Ted's Cafe, enjoying a Mexican buffet meal and watching 240 slides of our "younger days" serving with the 2/9th FA in Vietnam. John and Barbara Bowden awaiting the start of the buffet line.
Photo courtesy of William Ward.
FP-11.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration93 viewsKA-BOOM! Loud, fer shure.
Dining_Hall_with_trainees.jpgDining Hall93 viewsWe were encouraged (and the Trainees allowed) to meet and talk to us while having lunch.
J_Turner_5.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration93 viewsPhoto courtesy of Joe Turner
J_Turner_4.JPGBCT Graduation93 viewsPhoto courtesy of Joe Turner
WmWard-2.JPGThursday Firepower Demonstration93 viewsWebmaster Dennis Dauphin takes a peek at the script for the Firepower Demonstration.
FP-2.jpgThursday Firepower Demonstration92 viewsPhoto courtesy of Doug Turner
Orr_Conference_Rm.jpgA Visit to the Orr Conference Room92 viewsOrganizer Jerry Orr has been honored with a Battalion Conference Room named in his honor.
Here you see a "Now & Then" comparison as Jerry poses next to a very old photo (jus' kiddin')
Grad_1.jpgGraduation92 viewsThe graduates enter. This was the start of a very impressive BCT graduation ceremony whereby each member was announced and presented a certificate. Several had already earned rank before going on to AIT.
Photo courtesy of Bob Wilson
J_Turner_3.JPGFiring Range92 viewsPhoto courtesy of Joe Turner
BCT_Graduation.jpgBCT Graduation92 viewsWe were the Guests of Honor to attend a BCT Graduating Class with full dress Drill & Ceremonies. What a class event!