
DH-1.JPGThe "Birth Control" Gun Crew136 viewsMy first job as a Section Chief with the "Birth Control Gun Crew".
L to R: Sp4 Tommy "Big Gun" Harrison, PFC Jimmy "Beetle" Bailey, Sp4 Chuck Haag, PFC Travis McCauley, and me.

sgt_promotion_oct_69.jpgGot Promoted!135 viewsPromoted to SGT E-5, orders dated 29Oct69.

DH-6.JPGEvening Meal?130 viewsA snake killing on LZ Meredith.

DH-2.JPGMoving via fixed-wing aircraft128 viewsMe standing next to a C-22 aircraft cargo net. This is the only time I ever moved by fixed wing aircraft. We went from Kontum to Ban Me Thuot.

DH-4.JPGTravel by convoy127 viewsConvoying to a new LZ: PFC Travis McCauley, me, and PFC Jimmy E. Bailey.

DH-3.JPGThis is the "WAR WAGON"126 views1st Plt, "B" Company, 4th S&D

Don_Hardy.JPGWelcome to Nam122 viewsSgt Don Hardy, "B" Battery. I'm riding in a convoy.

DH-5.JPGAirlift120 viewsWe're being airlifted from LZ Penny to a new AO.

DH-1a.jpgInduction Orders118 viewsUS Army calls; gotta go.

DH-1b.JPGNext Stop: BCT112 viewsNo fool am I! You make friends with your Drill Sergeant if you want to survive Basic Combat Training. Taken at Ft Dix, New Jersey.
Next stop: Nam

Me_and_Speedy.jpg55 views

fire_mission_lz_penny.jpg55 views