The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - J Fred Oliver
JFO-52.JPGGrunts on the trail97 viewsSome areas of the jungle were thinner than others.
JFO-57.JPGEvery day war97 viewsOne of the strangest things in Nam was that the "locals" went about their business every day. It was like war was a common thing in their country.
JFO-71.JPGInflating the air mattress97 viewsThey went everywhere we went. Indispensable to a good night's rest.
JFO-68.JPGSearch & Destroy97 viewsAnyone humping the boonies can relate to this photo.
JFO-7.JPGFire!96 viewsA military cot blocks the view of whatever is being fired, but this photo proves conclusively...without any doubt...that our combat brothers DID NOT use ear plugs? Eh? What's that? I'm entitled to VA hearing disability? Ya think?
JFO-6.JPGTwin Duster96 viewsThe M42 Twin Duster: twin mounted 40mm anti-aircraft guns used for defensive purposes in Nam. They were stored at Ft Bliss, El Paso, TX after WWII in heavy cosmoline. The brass found a use for them, re-mobilized them and sent them over. For a little more background, refer to the War Story link and click on "Wanna Cushy Job?".
JFO-12.JPGOh-so-familiar!96 viewsYeah, this may look like just another shot of a Huey, but checking out the foreground, you can tell it is on a resupply run. There are boxes of C-rats, bundles of sandbags just waiting to be filled, a jerry can and 52-gallon drum. Maybe this is where UPS got the idea.
JFO-43.JPGDigging in96 viewsFoxholes were routinely dug.
JFO-58.JPGAPC-11396 viewsArmored Personnel Carriers worked in Nam...where they had roads, that is.
JFO-56.JPGGrunts in full gear96 views
JFO-63.JPGAnother RSOP96 viewsLooks like this battery is strapping up for a move to another location.
JFO-59.JPGLooking left96 viewsIt's "that-a-way". Everyone is focusing on the left.
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