JFO-40.JPGField Chaplains100 viewsChaplains ventured into the boonies to hold services.
JFO-28.JPGLife in the field99 viewsSettling in for the evening.
JFO-34.JPGField Conference99 viewsWhatever it is, it looks important.
JFO-39.JPGTanks, too99 viewsWe had every sort of war armament present in Vietnam; mostly WWII holdovers.
JFO-61.JPGVery scenic war zone99 viewsFirebase set across from the hills with valley in between.
JFO-70.JPGDamaged photo99 viewsThis photo may not be especially clear, but it clearly depicts life in the boonies with the ground grunts.
JFO-21.JPGWay up there98 viewsI forgot what I climbed up here for! But I've got the high ground occupied.
JFO-51.JPGHungry grunt98 viewsHe opened his can of hash upside down.
JFO-66.JPGScenic camping98 viewsWhen a unit wasn't in contact, life in the field wasn't too bad.
JFO-75.JPGMotor Pool98 viewsLooks like I found the combat motor pool. Looking at this, you can appreciate how much "stuff" we left behind.
JFO-27.JPGObvious97 viewsThis well-worn path has no cover or concealment.
JFO-57.JPGEvery day war97 viewsOne of the strangest things in Nam was that the "locals" went about their business every day. It was like war was a common thing in their country.