Most viewed - J Fred Oliver

JFO-2.JPGI'm here, Mom!124 viewsIt's me, Fred! FO J. Fred Oliver (assigned to 1/14th) stands in front of an 8" howitzer. This gun helped save A/1/14 from some significant losses when they got out of range of both 105's and 155's. I walked in one round at a time. The rounds had to pass diagonally over our heads to hit target. I can still hear the waffling racket the rounds made a second before they slammed into the hill above us. I went back to personally thank the 8" crew for their accuracy.

JFO-5.JPGFred & Friend117 viewsYeah, I'm the guy on the left with all the aiming points on my uniform for a sniper. My buddy is totally anonymous.

JFO-3.JPGMemories of Nam114 viewsFred sits atop a typical fully-sandbagged bunker with some beautiful scenery in the background. The all-too-familiar water tank is in the background. Proper nomenclature is the M-149 Water Buffalo. The handy-dandy shower stall is next to it. This firebase looks like a war-time vacation spot.

JFO-11.JPG"BUTCHERING BASTARD"113 viewsDouble-click on the photo and you will see the inscription of "Butchering Bastard" running down the 8" howitzer tube. This firebase had some serious weaponry.

JFO-18.JPGChecking the newspaper112 viewsJust like a meal, read the paper.

JFO-20.JPGLiving with the grunts111 viewsTaking a break from the mission.

JFO-14.JPGWhat Am I Doing Here?110 viewsDunno. They gave me a helmet, a shiny new pen, and a can of beans...and here I am.

JFO-73.JPGImportant conference108 viewsPutting their heads together on the next mission. Note the radio nearby.

JFO-16.JPGMemory Photo107 viewsWater can and canteen cup, M-16, M-1 Shovel, radio-telephone, ammo boxes, knapsack. Yep...all authentic gear.

JFO-36.JPGWatch out!107 viewsLooks like a little trickery is about to occur.

JFO-53.JPGSubtle warning107 viewsHuman skull posted on a spike. It reads, "Wildcat NVA Killers".

JFO-67.JPGSpider hole107 viewsA couple of 1/14th grunts spot a spider hole, a deadly ambush position used effectively by the enemy.