DK-Pers1c.JPG99 views1Sgt Tewwis and UNK relaxing "at home"
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DK-Pers12.jpg98 viewsCapt Barton, B/1/35 Company CO posing with his FO, Lt Don Keith.
RoadMine.jpg98 views"I don't know about you, but I'm gettin' outta here!"
UNK digs out an enemy mine.
Bearded_Keith.JPG98 viewsFO Lt Don Keith checks out his fuzzy face.
Doc.JPG98 viewsGoing down Hwy 1 with an M-79 grenade launcher at the ready.
MapReading.jpg98 viewsSleep through map reading classes at your own peril. Without maps, you and your unit were in deep doo-doo. And even with map reading skills, you had to know WHERE you were at all times.
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Firebasexx.jpgBreak from S&D97 viewsSearch & Destroy missions were shared among the Infantry companies with one company taking a break for rest at a 105mm howitzer battery. They were known as the "Palace Guard" since they provided defenses for both their Battalion Command Post and one of the 105mm batteries.
Lt Keith was supported by "A" Battery, 2/9th FA.
Howitzer ammo stacked and ready at LZ OD near Duc Pho.