Most viewed - Don M Keith

Lt_Wise.JPG110 viewsLt Joe Wise, B-1-35 and Lt Cal Grafe, 4.2mm Mortar Platoon Leader. Be sure and read "Run, But Don't Jump!" one of the funniest War Stories in our collection submitted by Cal!

dk23.JPG109 views

3dBdeSign.jpg109 viewsHere, get a closer look at it.

3d_Bde_Sign.JPG108 viewsWhere was I? Well, according to this sign, I was in combat.

Digging-C_s.JPGThe C-Ration Ritual108 viewsEach case of C-Rats contained likes & dislikes. Sorting and sharing was a daily routine.
Anyone like pound cake?

DK-Pers1d.JPG108 views"Hmmm...this note says that Capt Barton wants to know where I'm at. Guess he must be lost again."
FO Don Keith out in the boonies.

DK-Pers1f.jpg108 viewsHappy Guy...he's got a load of goodies. Lt Joe Wise, B-1-35.

CampEnariSign.jpg108 viewsAs the sign indicates, The Mighty Ninth is now under the 4th Inf Division (top left), which means the photo is later than 1Aug67.
The Mighty Ninth arrived in Vietnam with the 25th Infantry Division in late 1965 and early 1966. We own two combat patches.

DK-WomenCombat-a.jpgWomen in Combat - Vietnam108 viewsWhile women in combat did not occur in the US military until 40 years after Vietnam, Don offers this photo to point out the shock that our "point men" saw when encountering women with automatic weapons. And they knew how to use them. Vietnam was both a major culture shock and a guerilla war.

APC.jpg107 views

b-1-35.JPG107 viewsLoaded for bear? Lt Don Kieth serving as FO for B-1-35.

Tall_Grass.jpg107 viewsAmong all the other obstacles and perils in the combat zone, amazingly high grass was "way up there". Lts Don Keith and Randy Shaffer {KIA} demonstrate.
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