Don_remodel.jpg119 viewsYeah....40 years later, Don stands about as tall, traded the weapon for a tool, and works on remodeling his kitchen instead of remodeling Dinks.
DK-Home1.jpg118 views
capturedstuff.JPGEnemy's goods118 viewsVarious items collected from village patrols. You can bet that the farmers were not the ones using them! It was a common tactic to hide war materiels in a peaceful village.
VCseries005.JPG117 viewsLt Joe Wise, Plt Ldr for B/1/35, holds his weapon on a captured VC
dk7-5.JPG115 views
DK-W9.jpg115 views"Gee, it musta rained last night."
DK-Pers37.jpg115 viewsGroup on patrol needed an Lt Keith joined up.
He spent an unbelievable 11 months in the field as an FO and returned for a 2nd Tour.
Firefight2.jpg115 viewsFirefight in progress. The use of smoke grenades was critical in Vietnam. It marked your position as well as marking where you wanted air support. The 105mm artillery used smoke rounds to mark where the HE was going to fall after adjusting.
Keith-Shaffer.jpg115 viewsLt Don Keith and Lt Randy Shaffer. Lt Shaffer was KIA.
{see TAPS link}
dk12.JPG114 viewsCapt "Bad Bart" Barton, replaced Capt Ed Nealon on 6 Mar 67.