Award_-_SilverStar.jpg131 viewsAwarding of the Silver Star: Lt TJ Blue and Lt Don Keith
breaktime.JPG130 viewsSp4 John M. Waldman, RTO for Lt Don Kieth's FO party looks totally bushed. John was on hand for our "first and only" 2/9th reunion at Ft Sill organized by Maj Jerry Orr.
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Philly3.JPG123 viewsDon Keith attends the 2007 Philly reunion of the 35th Infantry Regiment.
DK-Home2.jpgWar's Over...for me123 viewsGuess I'll take my briefcase full of fire missions home with me.
gotmine.JPG123 viewsLt Don Keith with an armload of pleasure...and a Bowie knife to open it.
Capt_Barton_B-1-35.JPG121 views
DK-Pers1e.JPG121 viewsSgt Fred Carpenter, B-1-35 {KIA} and UNK stand outside bunker a perimeter defense (palace guard) bunker.
Firefight.jpg121 viewsActual scenes from a firefight in progress.
DK-New_Vietnam2.JPG121 viewsDon, wearing his traditional "artillery red" shirt, beckons you to visit his backyard. One might say it is his "new Vietnam". Lotsa work went into this tremendous transformation of a simple backyard to a small jungle.
DK-Pers34.jpgWall decorations119 viewsNow these maps make perfect sense! Playboy centerfolds was the "wallpaper of choice" in Nam.