PopSmoke.JPG82 views"Popping Smoke" was the SOP for letting a chopper pilot know where it is safe to land. After he identifies the color, he is "good to go".
DK-Award3.jpg82 views
ShelterSign.jpg82 viewsThis is amazing: a carefully and painstakingly-lettered sign found near a cave entrance requesting that the shelter not be attacked. Well...you can always ask, can't you?
DK-Gallantry3.jpg82 views
winner~0.jpgSenior Olympics Winner!82 viewsWell, after running through fire and mud, Don felt he was ready to win five medals in the Senior Olympics.
Surely, this former veteran FO is no couch potato!
Fire_in_the_hole-1a.JPGDestroying enemy munitions82 viewsA cave with enemy munitions is loaded up with plenty of C-4 explosive.
DK-Pers1.jpg81 views
DK-Pers21.jpg81 viewsWhatever it is, it must be good!
DK-Pers27.jpgMen of B-1-3581 viewsArmored Personnel Carrier in background...complete with shelter.