The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - 35th Reunion - 2016
Doubletree.jpgThe Hilton Doubletree Hotel - 18th Annual Reunion92 viewsThe 18th Annual Reunion of the 35th Inf Regt Assn was held in late September, 2016. The location will be the Doubletree Hotel in Arlington, VA, but also known as the Washington, DC, Crystal City area.
The_Wall.jpgVisit to "The Wall"92 viewsCacti Blue Company A/2/35 paid a visit to The Wall as part of the 2017 annual reunion activities. From Left: Pete Dykstra, David Dunn, Hal Bowling, Bob Perrone, Glenn Perrone, Art Johnson, and Bobby Day

Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson
FO_Lt_D.jpgLt Dennis Dauphin92 viewsNow hold this image: FO Lt Dennis Dauphin, FO for A/2/35, November, 1966
Dauphin-Turner.JPGFOUND - 50 Years Later91 viewsFAST FORWARD 50 YEARS LATER & LINK THESE TWO PHOTOS: Lt Doug Turner was the FO for A-2-35 in November, 1966. He was replaced as the FO for A/2/35 by Lt Dennis Dauphin, Webmaster for The Mighty Ninth. They had not seen, met or talked with one another in 50 years! Doug found The Mighty Ninth website and another brother of the 2/9th FA was thus located.
Note_from_Jenny.JPG89 views
Beddingfield_-_Arnold.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th88 viewsPast Presidents Jim Beddingfield and Dick Arnold of the 35th Inf Regt were invited guests of the joint dinner at Ft Myer.
Dinner_Table_talk.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th88 viewsDinner conversations at the club.
O-Club_Gathering.JPGJoint Dinner - Joint Units88 viewsAt the Ft Myer Dinner: Bert Landau, Joe Henderson, Jerry Walling, Dave Collins, and Lee Okerstrom.
Jenny_Young.JPGFOUND - 50 Years Later!87 viewsYESSS! Donut Dolly Jennifer (Jenny) Young located The Mighty Ninth website last year, but was unable to schedule a trip to the 35th Reunion. This year, she and friend Jack Schell attended to a warm welcome from all the veterans present. They applauded the unselfish, dedicated service of these young women who braved the dangers of being on a firebase in the front of the combat zone to visit with us. Jenny gave a rousing "Welcome Home" speech at the Saturday evening banquet.
Joe_s_Table.jpgJoint Dinner at O-Club87 viewsBert, Jim, Martha, Joe and Ernie at the joint dinner at Ft Myers

Photo Courtesy of Joe Henderson
LtDoug_Turner.jpgFO Lt Doug Turner87 viewsHold this image: Lt Doug Turner, FO for A/2/35, November, 1966.
Dave_Collins.JPGJoint Dinner - C-1-35 & 2/9th86 viewsFriday evening dinner at Ft Myer club. Cpt Dave Collins, company commander of C-1-35 and his FO in Nam, Lt Bert Landau, have joined together over the years to arranged a joint unit party. This event was held at the Ft Myers Club, formerly known as an "O-Club", but changed to the politically correct "Patton Club". Dave addresses the dinner group with his talk on how the men who served in Nam were members of a tribe, a brotherhood.
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