The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Robert Wilson
RW-M3.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma75 viewsInside our Survey hooch with two UNK artillery surveyors admiring their four-star accommodations.
RW-34.JPGLZ Uplift74 viewsCamping at LZ Uplift. Bubble helo surrounded by sandbag parapet.
RW-42.JPGDestroying the caves74 viewsCompany "B", 1/14th in the dining area near the cave expedition.
RW-Base3.jpgBase Camp74 viewsOur survey hooch, circa 1966.
RW-M5a.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma74 viewsThis is a highly-traveled bridge on Hwy 1 which was essential for the farmers going to market and for our troop movements. The VC kept the engineers busy blowing up Hwy 1 bridges as soon as they were repaired.
{Webmaster note: I was in the same area at the same time. There is an identical photo in my Gallery that I took from a similar angle. Both photos show some identical debris in the foreground. Amazing coincidence.}
RW-5.JPGHere comes C&C73 viewsA "bubble helo" arriving usually meant the boss coming for a visit.
RW-19.JPGWhen there's no enemy around to fight...73 viewsStaying in shape by practicing bayonet drills. Redlegs Dino Martin and Pfc Gordon G. Roufs.
RW-22.JPGNew Mess Hall73 viewsPhoto of new mess hall at Pleiku base camp.
RW-22b.JPGRoofing the Mess Hall73 viewsBob was a carpenter and roofer, his secondary MOS.
RW-45.JPGDestroying the caves73 viewsView of the survey teams poncho cover sleeping accommodations. I remember being awaken by something crawling over me that turned out to be large rats. Apparently we didn't police our empty C-ration cans very well.
RW-31a.JPGGrave73 viewsThis grave was located at Bronco Beach.
RW-Base5.jpgBase Camp73 viewsPanorama of the Base Camp, circa 1966.
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