The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Robert Wilson
Pleiku_Montagnard.JPGPleiku series87 viewsPleiku Montagnard: Carrying his wares to sell at the market.

{Montagnards were indigenous to the mountainous areas of Vietnam; they were a very friendly people and somehow managed to stay out of the entanglements with the VC and NVA. The Vietnamese people weren't so lucky.}
Pleiku_Theater_Concession_Stands.JPGPleiku series86 viewsPleiku Theater Concession Stands: The building on the back ground is a theater in town.
Pleiku_Catholic_Church.JPGPleiku series86 viewsAt the time I was surprised to see a Catholic church in Vietnam. I eventually found out that the Catholic religion is the second largest religion after Buddhist. I talked to a person there to find out that it was Catholic.
{Webmaster's Note: Many Vietnamese were settled in Port Arthur, TX and the Gulf Coast of Mississippi after Nam. They started up both Catholic parishes and Buddhist temples.}
Plieku_Restaurant.JPG86 views
Pleiku_Street_Scene.JPGPleiku series84 viewsLooking down the street in Pleiku. Notice the girl in the Ao Dai (dress). As she saw me starting to take the picture, she covered her face. I think this has something to do with the belief that the picture would take their soul. {Webmaster: Yes...this happened a lot}
RW-36.JPGWaiting for a Huey83 viewsThe Survey Crew is waiting on a ride, reading the Stars and Stripes while Sgt Barrington studies the map of our soon-to-be survey area. More than likely, it was the caves in the Hon Noc mountains.
Boy_Scout_Camp.jpgPleiku series83 viewsFrom what I can determine, this was a Scout Jamboree. There were what looked like several different troop flags and numbers.
Gun_Ship_2.JPGLZ Uplift82 viewsThe Chinook workhorse was armed with a high rate of firing capacity. It was know as "Guns A-Go-Go. Here is a look inside.
Dixie_Cups_Show.JPGPleiku series82 viewsThe "Dixie Cups" Show: Famous for their hit song "Going To The Chapel". The one USO show I did get to see. Was at the NCO Training school at Enari and missed the Bob Hope Show.

{Webmaster's Note: The Dixie Cups were three students at the University of New Orleans in the 1960s. They recorded the song and made it big with that one number.}
Pleiku_School_Girls.JPGPleiku series82 viewsPleiku School Girls: Note the uniforms. The school was next to the church so I assume it was a church run school.

{Webmaster's Note: In the 60s and many years prior, Catholic churches were part of the US private (religious) school system and staffed by clergy and nuns. The Catholic school system today is a fraction of what it used to be.}
RW-39.JPGCave Smoke Break81 viewsSgt Barrington taking a smoke break after enjoying a hot meal with the 1/14th soldiers.
RW-38.JPGLooking down an entrance.81 viewsLooking down towards the cave complex entrances. We surveyed the entrances to the caves for a B-52 mission to further destroy the caves after Company D 65th Engineers blew up the caves. Capt. Steven Childers, CO of B Company 1/14th was killed. He was at the entrance to one of the caves trying to coax out some civilians when a VC shot him from behind the civilians.
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