The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Robert Wilson
RW-29.JPGBronco Beach70 viewsLanding on the Beach near LZ Bronco (Montezuma).
Arriving_at_Base_Camp_-_2.JPGArriving at Base Camp70 viewsA closer look at my fresh new uniform. So proud of my new rank that I had to get a close up.
RW-M4.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma70 viewsA view looking out towards the South China Sea.
RW-M6.JPGOur Survey Hooch at LZ Montezuma70 viewsOur tented headquarters for the surveyors. Note the slick flying high above the Sikorsky Sky Crane in the background. Carrying a water trailer for a Sky Crane is a very light load for it.
RW-31aa.JPGBronco Beach70 viewsNo tropical paradise; it just looked like one.
RW-31bb.JPGBronco Beach70 viewsTent city at Bronco Beach. Notice the sloppy, muddy conditions.
Another_FB_Another_Survey.JPG70 views
RW-M1.JPGArrival at LZ Montezuma69 viewsA typical Vietnamese village off Highway 1.
RW-2.JPGThe Mighty Ninth goes by sea67 viewsWhat I remember was that I went by sea and that the trip was rough due to the flat bottom of the LST. I recall standing to get a better view and the ship came down off a wave and buckled my knees. I then climbed into the cab of a truck for the remaining trip to Duc Pho.
Bob_Wilson.JPGModern Day Robert "Bob" Wilson28 viewsBob attended one of our rare unit reunions held at Ft Sill and organized by Jerry Orr.
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