LZ_Liz_Capt_Hutsell,_Bernhard,_Buzz_Nelson.jpgAt LZ Liz147 viewsL to R: Captain Howard "Dutch" Hutsell (deceased), Bernhard, and Sp4 Buzz Nelson. Hutsell served as the S-4 of the Battalion before moving on to Battery Commander.
Jack_Boston.jpgRecuperation144 viewsJack Boston resting with repairs to his right shoulder. Jack was a member of the C-2-9 FDC crew, pulling alternating 12-hr shifts with Ron. Lt Wayne Crochet and Sgt Sam Nieto also served in C-2-9.
Randy(Doc)Eagleton_and_Bear.jpgAnother day in Nam141 viewsPictured above is Randy (Doc) Eagleton and Bear.
Scotty_Sky.jpgDigging in140 viewsLooks like Scotty and Sky are in the process of protecting the CONEX.
MikeStagon_SgtFitzpatrick.jpgChow Time139 viewsHere are Mike Stagon and Sgt Fitzpatrick.
Ron-carbine.jpgArmed and Ready137 viewsRon holding a sawed-off carbine. He saw service with an FO Party and later moved into the FDC crew shifts with Lt Wayne T. Crochet and Sp4 Jack Boston. Ron had a good working knowledge of FADAC.
Mike_Stagon.jpgWasn't me137 viewsMike Stagon seems to say he didn't do it. But his face and neck look suspicious.
LZ_Liz_Shit_Burning.jpgDifferent type of "fire mission"134 viewsIt never went away. There was always a "shit detail". Making perfume at LZ Liz.
Porkchop-our_cook.jpgSaluting our C-2-9 Cook!132 viewsPork Chop...better known as our battery cook.
LZ_Liz_Doc#1_Fitzpatrick.jpgPipe & Pinups131 viewsTypical interior view of the CONEX. Pictured here are Doc and Fitzpatrick.
Ron-smoking.jpgPipe Smoker129 viewsRon was a pipe smoker.
Modern_Day_Ron.jpgModern Day Ron Goldmaker128 viewsWhat luck! Ron is a photographer. (2014 photo)