
JS-2.JPGHere I Am!107 viewsSergeant Joseph Sleevi...St George mid 1969..Assigned to Bravo
Company, 1st 14th from March 1969 to November 1969. I started my tour with A 2/9th in December 1968 on LZ Bridget. The BC at the time Capt Williams asked all the guys with a Commo MOS if they wanted to go out in the field...I volunteered and I think Sgt Winnow did near the same time. I spent a lot of time in the FDC those first few months...It was such an education for me, and Bridget was a slow FireBase....My first FO was Lt Atha, and to be sure, he taught me a lot.

JS-4.JPGWorking at LZ St George101 views1st Sergeant James E. McPeek unloading for St George, standing in bed of truck. Facing camera, "Bullet Bob" Burnett, and Clint Curry.

JS-1.jpgBattery Commander & Chief of Smoke101 viewsCaptain Williams and Chief of Smoke. Taken at LZ St. George while it was being built. Both these men were instrumental in all the Fire Direction activities during the battle for the CHU PA. Cpt. Williams was a Reserve Officer from Utah and a sharp BC.

JS-3.JPG99 viewsSergeant Joe Sleevi....building a FO party bunker on St George.
I'd like to say that this picture was taken a few years ago. (ha!)

Joe_Sleevi~0.JPGModern Day Joe97 viewsHere Joe is caught on camera with a TV station doing a story on him trying to find his buddies from his time in the US Army. They were a tight-knit group known as the Jefferson County Club.