
JS-5.JPG843 viewsBest guess is FSB 34....an unusual FBase...Arty on one end and Infantry at the other. The black-and-white shot makes it look like WWII.

JS-12.JPGLZ St George143 viewsBuilding our battery defenses at LZ St George.

JS-13.JPGLZ St George143 viewsWe are "digging in", building up our firebase at LZ St George.

JS-14.JPGLZ St George142 viewsOur battery sign stands proudly while we build LZ St George.

JS-11.JPG141 viewsBest guess is FSB 34....an unusual FBase...Arty on one end and Infantry at the other end.

JS-9.JPGLZ St George139 viewsMortar Pit at LZ St George.

JS-7.JPGConvoy plus138 viewsMy best guess is the convoy to Ban Me Thuot and a couple guns on the way. The little Lambretta looks puny compared to our military vehicles.

JS-8.JPG137 viewsAnother view: the convoy to Ban Me Thuot.

JS-6.JPG"Forgotten FO"134 viewsLt. Jim Hunter...somewhat of a "forgotten FO". We were together for a
few months with "B" 1st 14th. He was attached to some "CIDG's" (Civilian Irregular Defense Group) and he came back for a few months again.

JS-16.JPGOur Bunker133 viewsHead for shelter when needed.

JS-10.JPGFSB 34132 viewsBest guess is FSB 34....an unusual FBase...Arty on one end and

JS-15.JPGLZ St George132 viewsOur firebase at LZ St George.