SR-10.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle113 viewsField Firing Demo: these are our replacements, guys! Do they look good or what?
SR-11.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle113 viewsA close examination of the 155mm breech. If you value your fingers, they will not go anywhere near the breech.
Arr-8.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive113 viewsChatting in the hallway as we arrived. We were in the midst of some very ominous weather reports. Tornadoes are common in this area and the sky was black and ugly. There were driving thunderstorms and high winds, but thankfully no tornadoes.
Arr-10.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive113 views"Helluva deal, folks. We no sooner arrive here at the Lawton Country Club and they turn the durned power off." Jerry Orr addresses our gathering.
Our reunion had a rough start. The first night meeting at the Lawton Country Club was cancelled due to the heaving storming and tornado threats in the Lawton and Ft Sill area. The Club was kind enough to let us return the following night for another try.
DY-11.jpgReunion Photos - Danny Yates112 viewsWe were treated to a brief demo of computer-gaming warfare with an Afghan land battle scenario. The transformation from our days of war strategy to using the latest computer tools is nothing short of amazing.
Arr-5.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive112 viewsArriving for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK.
WTC-2.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne Crochet111 viewsDo you see an "odd man out" here? No? Well, neither do I.
Maj Jerry Orr hosted our reunion.
DY-10.jpgReunion Photos - Danny Yates111 viewsSGM Wallace Moore receives applause for his portrayal of a Buffalo Soldier in period costume of the mid-1800s in the early days of Ft Sill's founding. His "story-telling" followed the retirement ceremony as part of our retirement agenda. SGM Moore has written two books about the Buffalo Soldiers.
MB-9.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Mattie Beal House Tour111 views"What? There's still a mortgage on this place?"
WTC-1.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne Crochet110 viewsThe "old soldier" comes out in Wayne Crochet as it appears 1SG Doucette has called him to attention. least that part of basic training Wayne can still handle.
JO-2.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr109 viewsMy Good Buddy! Maj Jerry Orr greets 1SG Doucette as we tour the BCT barracks; actually, it's more like a dormitory.
JO-5.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr109 viewsDS Dudley responds, "That's it, Kurtgis! Your butt goes in this bunk here and I'm gonna be keeping my eye on you!"