Most viewed - 2-9th Reunion

DY-4.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates118 views"Awright you guys, LISTEN UP!" Some things never change, eh? Here we get guide instructions from LTC Marcus Jones. In the background you can see the darkening clouds. We were advised of many possible tornado threats during our stay but none came close to Ft. Sill.

SR-7.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle118 viewsOur host at the basic training area was LTC Marcus Jones who was reassigned to Ft Bliss just days after our reunion ended. Our organizer, Jerry Orr, credits Col Jones with handling a lot of the logistics issues.

DF-14.JPGReunion Photos - Danny "Cowboy" Fort117 viewsA visit to the basic trainees in the field at the hand grenade range. Many of these trainees were young women; completely unheard of in "our day".

DY-1.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates117 viewsThe 2/9th FA Commemorative Coin: Our Reunion Organizer, Maj Jerry Orr, presented each redleg veteran attending the reunion with a commemorative coin at the concluding Friday night banquet. Barbara Moeller, who assisted Jerry with the tours, presented the ladies with an initial charm.

DY-6.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates117 viewsInside the training living quarters. Our Guide indicates that all trainees must be at least this tall...or whatever he was pointing out.

DY-2.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates117 viewsOn the bus - Maj Jerry Orr worked very hard to arrange bus transportation for all the on-post events.

DY-7.JPGReunion Photos - Danny Yates116 viewsOur basic training troops in action. Les Cotton is in the forefront with his cowboy hat.

The_old_Guard_Shack.JPGOriginal Guard Shack116 viewsDon't know why they left it standing, but it is a great memories of reporting in over 45 years ago to Ft. Sill.
The sign says, "For Military Police Assistance, Report to Building XXXX at the intersection of Craig and Randolph Roads".

JO-4.JPGReunion Photos - Jerry Orr116 viewsMike Kurtgis objects! "But wait a minute, Drill Sergeant! What if I don't want to get up at 0500?"

THANKS_JERRY.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive116 viewsCowboy Danny Fort presents a plaque to Host Jerry Orr at the Lawton Country Club as thanks for all the hours, effort and coordination it took working with the Ft Sill staff to allow us on post for a historic reunion some 40-odd years after we served in Vietnam.

WTC-6.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne Crochet115 viewsThe "Dining Facility" has replaced the "mess hall" and YOU WILL eat healthy foods, soldier!!! can have anything to drink as long as it's water. Our active duty host, LTC Marcus Jones stands in front of a color-coded menu.

SR-8.jpgReunion Photos - Stu Royle115 viewsReady - Set - Mingle.
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