The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - 2-9th Reunion
Price_Reunion_3.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price138 viewsBANG! There is goes. The compression was just as powerful as the sound of the cannon being fired.
WTC-8.JPGReunion Photos - Wayne Crochet138 viewsThat ol' gang of mine...our redleg vets pose for a photo just after the retirement ceremony. We probably thought the ceremony was for us.
Aiming_Cir-2.JPGM2 Aiming Circle - Surveyed stake137 viewsYou set up the tripod, hung the plumb-bob & centered it, levelled your bubbles, and computed your SADULU. It is going to be paved over as a parking lot. Just another Ft Sill memory.
Arr-7.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive135 viewsGathering in the Lobby for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK. The weather outside took a serious turn for the worse as evening arrived.
Aiming_Cir-1.JPGHoneycutt Road134 viewsIn the background, Bldg 5676, Allin Hall, formerly the BOQ, opened in October, 1965. The "twin tower", Bldg 5678, Aultman Hall, was opened shortly after. Both BOQs are now "hotels".
Remember Honeycutt Road? That's where you learned how to "lay the battery" with an M2 Aiming Circle. This area will become a parking lot for a new elementary school to replace the very old Geronimo school. I guess that's just "SADULU" for the old training site on the prominent ridge line of Honeycutt Road.
Price_Reunion_8.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price134 viewsVisit to the Ft Sill Museum: The FADAC - "Field Artillery Digital Analog Computer". It was the field artillery's first attempt to use a "computer" back in the 1960s for fire direction computation of deflection and quadrant elevation. It didn't prove itself at Ft Sill and neither in Vietnam. We were better with the training gained from spending weeks in Snow Hall.
Price_Reunion_13.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price134 viewsRetirement ceremony - passing in review.
DF-6.JPGReunion Photos - Danny "Cowboy" Fort134 viewsRob Smitha takes a photo outside the training building on our first day at Sill.
Aiming_Cir-3.JPGSurveyed Sites for the Aiming Circle133 viewsThis is a larger view, looking down the line of surveyed stakes for training on the M2 Aiming circle, looking toward Honeycutt Road. This is now a rare photograph; it was taken just as the contractors were setting up shop to build a parking lot here.
Price_Reunion_10.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price133 viewsAfter the retirement ceremony, the 2/9th FA reunion agenda included a "story telling" at the Old Post Buffalo Soldiers barracks area. Retired SGM Wallace Moore was dressed in period uniform to recount the history of the Buffalo Soldiers and the history of the era.
Snow_Hall.JPGGunnery 101 taught here133 viewsYessir...we all know where Snow Hall is located. Back in our day, the interior of Snow Hall had a distinctive odor the minute you walked in. It wasn't good or bad, just kinda "earthy" smelling...something you would always recognize and remember. Well, gents...I'm here to tell you that THE "SMELL" IS GONE!" Perhaps it was a new air conditioning system or many new coats of paint, but the "smell" is no more!
Arr-3.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive133 viewsArriving for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK.
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