The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - 2-9th Reunion
LD-5.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon155 viewsRetirement Parade. Lee Dixon on the Old Post parade field.
LD-7.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon155 viewsJoe Henderson, John Severn, Jim Connolly, and Danny "Cowboy" Fort at the Friday night banquet.
Misc-3.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Miscellaneous155 viewsWe renewed many acquaintances
FtSillReunion-page_2.jpgNews Coverage - Historic 2/9th Reunion152 viewsLocal news coverage - page 2.
Misc-2.jpgThe Waldman Collection - Miscellaenous152 viewsChatting at the reunion
Price_Reunion_4.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price151 viewsFirst Stop: We toured the Basic Training barracks and met with the training staff. Looking particularly sharp was Sgt Schmidt, a top-notch female drill sergeant.
LD-3.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon151 viewsLee Dixon and Sam Nieto. Sam made the special effort to be on hand for the Friday closing banquet.
Snow_Hall-2.JPGThe 2/9th FA honored with a photo in Snow Hall150 viewsThe photo here is from our action in Vietnam at LZ 10 Alpha. It is C/2/9 firing high angle fire in June, 1966.
Arr-2.jpgThe Waldman Collection - We Arrive149 views"Headquarters" for the historic 2/9th reunion was Bldg 5678, Aultman Hall, located on top of the hill of Geronimo Road. Aultman Hall was the later "twin" of Allin Hall, Bldg. 5676. These two buildings were the new Officer BOQs going back to 1965. They are now a commercially-run hotel on Ft Sill property. My, how things have changed!Arriving for the historic reunion at Ft Sill, OK.
Lt Wayne Crochet and wife Carol chat with Lt Mike Kurtgis as they entered the front door. Both served as Forward Observers for The Mighty Ninth.
LD-2.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon146 viewsFriends Forever! Lee Dixon and Bill Kull.
LD-1.JPGReunion Photos - Lee Dixon145 viewsLee Dixon, Dennis Dauphin, and Terry Stuber at closing Friday evening banquet.
Price_Reunion_11.jpgReunion Photos - Dave Price144 viewsThe reunion agenda included an invitation to a retirement ceremony on the Old Post grounds... a great historic site at Ft. Sill. The horse-drawn caisson passes in review.
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