
Mar_69_rockets.JPGAttack on Ben Het109 viewsMarch, 1969. Rockets hit Ben Het.

SC11-_69Armor.JPGThe working end109 viewsJanuary, 1969. A tank of the 1/69th Armored.

SC9-_69Armor.JPGInside the TOC shop109 viewsJanuary, 1969. 1/69th TOC, LZ Oasis

69_Armor_at_Oasis.JPGFebruary, 1969: LZ Oasis - the 1/69th Armored Regiment area108 viewsFebruary, 1969. A shot of the Oasis, area of the 1/69th Armored.

April_69_Guard_post.JPGApril, 1969: 4th Inf Div HQ Guard Post108 viewsApril, 1969. Heavily sandbagged guard post.

Feb_69_CofC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command Ceremony108 viewsThe Change of Command ceremony taking place at the 1/69th Armor.

Lea_1268.JPGPFC Eugene E. Lea108 viewsDecember, 1968. My friend Eugene Lea.

Feb_69_CC.JPGFebruary, 1969: Change of Command Ceremony107 viewsLZ Oasis, Change of Command ceremony for the 1/69th Armored Regiment.

mar_69_guns.JPGAttack on Ben Het107 viewsMarch, 1969. Ben Het aftermath.

river_at_Dak_To.JPGDak To River107 viewsMarch, 1969. The river at Dak To, heading toward the Oasis.

Valley_Fire7.JPGJanuary, 1969107 viewsEvidence of blown trees to clear the area for the firebase.

SC8-_69Armor~0.JPGInside the 1/69th shop107 viewsDecember, 1968. 1/69th Armor HQ; officers at work
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