The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Steve Cox
mines.JPGStudying the mines112 viewsA pair of 4th Inf Div engineer officers, Lt Howze and Lt Friend (sp) study a mine sitting atop the jeep radio.
Valley_Fire6.JPGJanuary, 1969112 viewsCIDG's with us at the firebase.
SC10-_69Armor.JPGPlaying with the help112 viewsDecember, 1968. The two GIs work inside the 1/69th TOC shop. The two young girls are "hooch maids".
Cpt_Baird.JPGHQ, Service Battery111 viewsCaptain Baird talking with the men of the Service Battery.
June_69_Mail_Room_bunk.JPGJune, 1969111 viewsGot the mailroom job and this is my bunk area, complete with standing GI metal locker, wooden footlocker, and mosquito mesh over bunk. Next photo is Steven Brown, the guy who went home and I got his job.
Enroute2.JPGJanuary, 1969110 viewsPhoto taken on my way to a firebase in the Central Highlands of Vietnam. They had a reason for calling it "the highlands".
Tents.JPGHome Sweet Home110 viewsDecember, 1968. These were the tents we lived in.
top_of_50_cal.JPGFebruary, 1969110 viewsTopside view of the .50 cal machine gun in the Guard Bunker.
SC_-_First_Ride.JPGFirst Helo Ride110 viewsMy first helicopter ride ever in Vietnam was in an OH-23 Hiller, also known as the "bubble" chopper.
Battery_Clerk2.JPGBattery Clerks of the 2/9th Arty109 viewsA true desk unknown...but not any more. Thanks to Sp5 James Keller, we now know that this is Sp5 Robert F. Biza, "B" Battery clerk.
Feb_69_track_resupply.JPGFebruary, 1969109 viewsIt's time to re-supply the track.
Feb_69__Lt_Bird.JPG"Bye-Bye"109 viewsLt Bird, 1/69th Armor, stands on the berm, waving good bye to the visiting VIPs.
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