
Lt_Huff.JPGJanuary, 1969. Lt Steven Riley Huffstutler, KIA118 viewsPictured in the middle of the photo without shirt is the FO, Lt. Huffstutler. He was killed in a helicopter crash on 18May69. Unknown LZ.

SC16-_69Armor.JPG118 viewsJanuary, 1969. A tank bridge and changing an engine on a tank (at left) at the 1/69th Armored.

SC-258.JPGModern Day Buddies118 viewsSteve Cox and Ron Watts...just a few years away from Vietnam.

back_to_1-69a.JPGJanuary, 1969. Enroute to Oasis117 viewsJanuary, 1969. If you take the road to the left, you are heading south to Ban Me Thout. If you go right, you are going to the Oasis.

Feb_69_Oasis5.JPGFebruary, 1969. The 8" cannon117 viewsHere's another look at it.

Valley_Fire4.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valley117 viewsSame scenario

Mar_69_rocket_damages.JPGAttack on Ben Het116 viewsMarch, 1969. This is the collateral damage surrounding the destroyed ammo track that was hit by 122mm rockets.

Valley_Fire3.JPGJanuary, 1969: Firing across the valley116 viewsAnother view of the action area.

SC1-_69Armor.JPGHeadquarters, 1/69 Armored Regiment Opns Ctr116 viewsDecember, 1968. This is the Operations Center of the 1/69th HQ, LZ Oasis.

Mar_Leaving_Ben_Het.JPGOn the road, leaving Ben Het116 viewsYou could never tell what you would see on the side of any road in Vietnam.

2-9_Hq.JPG4th Inf Division and the 2/9th Arty Headquarters at Oasis115 viewsApril, 1969. LZ Oasis headquarters area.

Feb_69_airstrike.JPGJet Fighter strike115 viewsFebruary, 1969. That tiny dot in the middle of the photo is a fighter jet enroute to an airstrike.
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