The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Dennis L Dauphin
Regis.JPGDaily Task225 viewsEach battery was required to register every day.
Inside_CONEX.jpgFDC inside CONEX containers224 viewsBest idea in Nam: using CONEX containers as Fire Direction Centers: airmobile and immediate on-station use of artillery. Red circle on map shows range limits of 105mm howitzers. The chart with the RDP was the firing chart and the chart to the left (not shown) was the "check chart". The binders contained records of each mission.
Anti-personnel_Rd.jpgThe Beehive Round223 viewsA beehive round is loaded for firing. The tube is levelled and fuse set for immediate burst in case of a "human wave" attack on a firebase.
Hi-way_19.JPG223 views
Inside_CH-47.JPG223 views
Highway_19.jpgThe infamous Highway 19222 viewsThe infamous Hwy 19 going thru the Mang Yang Pass. The road ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon. Most everyone has a "war story" concerning event(s) on Hwy 19.
Slide37.jpg105mm Ammo222 viewsComponents of a 105 round on display. Note the 360-degree capability of the trails. Most of the ammo crates were marked "1944".
TamKyClouds2.jpgThe Final Days220 viewsWorking above the clouds...hard to believe.
Collimnator.jpgCollimnator replaces Aiming Stakes220 views"High Tech" arrives in Vietnam. The brand new tool called a "collimnator" provides a gunner with a superior tool replacing the red & white banded aiming stakes. Only problem was that Ft Sill hadn't counted on the 110% humidity and the sight glasses fogging up. Stakes were still needed. Also, protective boxes had to be constructed.
CopterInside.jpgHelo Pilot's View220 viewsThe controls of the helo as the pilot and co-pilot sees them. Note that side panels were added to the pilot's seats to protect against enemy fire.
Tiger_Tracks.JPGTiger in the jungle220 viewsA reminder that Vietnam was a jungle---fresh tiger tracks. These tracks were sighted by a patrol going up the Mang Yang peak. Highway 19, RVN
Captured_Mortar.jpgEnemy mortar219 viewsCaptured enemy mortar
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