Most viewed - Dennis L Dauphin

Goodies.JPGLZ English237 viewsGreatest moment of any day in Nam...mail call and a package from home.

ReelTapeRcdr.JPGTape Diary237 viewsLt Dauphin shows off his 3" reel-to-reel GE tape recorder used to correspond with family in the States. Operated on four "D" Cells (BA-30s) and still works even today. To my everlasting regret, it arrived the morning after the long firefight to take command of the Duc Pho area. Lt Don Keith and I were on the radio with fire missions for 48 hours continuous.

Rainbow.jpgRainbow at Highway 19236 viewsAngular photo shows a rainbow passing directly over the Infantry company A-2-35 commanded by Capt Charlie Murray.
February, 1967.

Stamper.jpg"A" Battery Field Mess Hall235 viewsGiven the great ingenuity of the battery's cannoneers, a stateside-quality mess hall was built on LZ OD with Sgt Dan Stamper as "Chef in Charge". Over his shoulder is the 3rd Bde HQ at LZ Montezuma next to the South China Sea at Duc Pho. The sign says: "Ma Stamper's Greasy Spoon".

CRB-Barracks.jpgHow the other half lives....235 viewsHolding barracks at Cam Ranh Bay for departing personnel. Compared to the field, these accomodations were utter luxury.

SoChinaSea.jpgAftermath of the July, 1967 ammo dump fire234 viewsAfter the great fireworks display at the ammo dump fire on the beach at the South China See, this is what the beach looked like. Probably cost the taxpayers back home a couple of million. {See the "War Stories" tab for more information}

TamKy.jpgThe Final Days: October, 1967 RSOP from LZ OD to Tam Ky233 viewsThe monsoon lifts; BnCo Bobzien (hands on hips) checks on troops. White t-shirt: SSG Frank Venegas, Chief of Smoke (deceased); Capt Mike Casp (KIA) in front-left. Soldier in the rear is likely Lt Malcolm Spencer, who became the new "A"Battery Executive Officer (XO). The vital FDC CONEX unit was not totally covered in sandbags when the monsoon hit. If you note carefully, the mud is totally mush.

LZ-OD-lake_filled.jpgLZ OD229 viewsThe lake is filled once again. Made a very nice swimming and bathing hole. Note fortified howitzer positions.

The_Dump_Fire.JPG228 views

Shower.JPGThe Field Shower227 viewsThis is about as close to a civilized shower as you will find in Vietnam. The hot water heater never did arrive.

ThePass.jpg"The Pass"226 viewsGoing thru the Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. Looks like the road was designed for ambushes.

WaterTank.jpg"Mang Yang" (Mang Giang) Pass225 viewsAn abandoned water tank on top of a hill overlooking the infamous Mang Yang pass. An excellent observation point.
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