The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Dennis L Dauphin
ARVN_perimeter.JPGCompound perimeter250 viewsPhoto from inside the ARVN compound, looking outward from the perimeter. Notice gun barrel pointing out at lower right.
posn2.JPGThe Final Days249 viewsA new LZ means a LOT of work...getting set up, digging in...making the site fully operational.
C-2-9.jpg2/9th at Mang Yang Pass248 viewsThree howitzers of C/2/9 were moved to the Mang Yang Pass on Hwy 19. Hills in the background were the source of incoming mortars.
CRB-6th.jpg6th Convalescent Hospital247 viewsBest place in Nam that I visited, but had no desire to stay there.
ARVN_Comp.JPG245 viewsThe site of an important radio relay station manned by the ARVNs. It is directly in line with the ARVN compound on a higher peak.
SprayJob.JPGAgent Orange?244 viewsNo notes on slide, but this may be an helicopter outfitted with sprayers to lay down a defoliant.
FreedomJet.jpg"The Freedom Bird"243 viewsProbably the greatest sight to be seen when you complete a tour in the boonies of Vietnam.
Panorama-DucPho.JPG3rd Brigade, 25th -LZ Montezuma, FSB Bronco243 viewsProbably the best all-inclusive aerial shot. Shows the airstrip, the easily spotted hill next to the base, and the blue South China Sea over the hill. The US Marines originally occupied Duc Pho and were re-assigned further north toward the DMZ. The 2/9th got the assignment in the Spring of 1967 to replace them. The 3rd Bde Commander re-named the base "FSB Bronco", replacing the Marine's choice. Troops were warned not to climb the hills due to booby traps and mines.
3rdBde.jpgBrigade Headquarters242 viewsLanding strip and tarmac at 3rd Bde HQ, 25th Inf Div, LZ Montezuma, Duc Pho, Spring, 1967.
LZ-OD-lake.jpgLZ OD241 viewsA/2/9 occupied the southern end, BnHQ for the 1/35 occupied the northern end. The lake was periodically drained to flood the rice paddies. Due east was LZ Montezuma (Bronco) and the South China Sea.
Mass.jpgMass in the field239 viewsA Chaplain prepares for Mass in the field. He shields his face from the sun. (in vain, of course)
LZ-OD.jpgOrigins of LZ OD238 viewsLZ Olive Drab is under construction. Became home to the 1/35th Inf Bn HQ and "A" Battery, 2/9th. Here is a rare opportunity to fire Charge 1 and see a smoke round land.

Location: We are looking due north. Turning around, we would see LZ Montezuma, later re-named LZ Bronco, and the South China See. We came here to relieve the Marines who were sent further north. Our other two batteries were located nearby at LZ Liz and LZ Mary Lou. We eventually departed LZ OD for Tam Ky in early October.
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