OnTheBeach3.JPGSandy Beach318 viewsAn appealing look at the beach of the South China Sea.
English2.JPGPanoramic View305 viewsA wide-shot view of the palm trees, lowlands and mountains from LZ English.
BongSon.jpgRSOP to LZ English302 viewsRushing to set up "A" Battery at LZ English in Bong Son. Lt Dauphin laying the battery. Photo taken by Lt Dennis Munden.
Stateside_Again.jpgBack Home298 viewsBack home again...wearing khakis. End of Mission.
English.JPGPalm Trees296 viewsA contrast of palm trees and the hills in the background near LZ English.
Bong Son was the site of LZ English.
OD-posn.jpgConstruction time294 viewsBuilding the firebase at LZ OD. Note the red and white-banded aiming stakes for the guns.
Smoke.JPGSmoke Trails294 viewsSmoke round leaves a visible marker against the hills.
UnkPosn.JPGAerial View288 viewsAn aerial view of an established postion - Unknown.
Booby.jpgThe Bronco Bugle285 viewsA great coincidence...Lt Don Keith asked me if I remembered this incident. Not only did I remember it, I kept a clipping from the "Bronco Bugle"
LeVanCho-Address.jpgSend me a copy!279 viewsSouth Vietnamese police officer Le Van Cho, who worked the docks of Saigon, was really thrilled to have me take his picture. He tore off a piece of paper and gave me his address; he wanted me to send him a copy of the photo. Little did he know that I was off to the boonies and would never see Saigon again.
The_Lookout.jpgArmed & Dangerous278 viewsFO for A/2/35 clowns for a photo atop an concrete water tank at the Mang Yang Pass.
The_Trail_Pass.jpgLooking towards Pleiku277 viewsA good view of the topography at Mang Yang Pass on Highway 19. The roadside position of Company A-2-35 can be seen at the left of the highway. The company was guarding Hwy 19 during January and February, 1967.