The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Dennis L Dauphin
Montezuma.jpgLZ Montezuma194 viewsAKA Fire Support Base Bronco, under construction. Spring, 1967, near Duc Pho
Armed_CH-47.jpgChinook Demo193 viewsArmed CH-47
Bubble.jpgThe Bubble arrives193 viewsThe Bell helo indicated that the BnCo was enroute for a visit. This was not usually a good sign.
Jungle_Expert_Cert.JPGThe Most Valuable Certificate Ever!190 viewsMany students were "dropouts". Several of the exercises were beyond those officers and NCOs who didn't have sufficient physical fitness. Some were petrified by having to rappel down a vertical cliff. The "practice" run was a mud cliff; the "graded for score" rappelling was done down a rock waterfall. Those very devious buzzards didn't tell us that. Crossing the raging Chagres River with two poncho halfs making a raft was very daunting for the non-swimmers. I was lucky to be paired with a strong swimmer. The 24-hr E&E was not for the faint-hearted, plus they threw us into a raging storm. The maps literally washed out of our hands from the driving rain as a monsoon started. Such fun.
TamKyClouds4.jpgThe Final Days189 viewsStrange view from a firebase. We definitely took the "high ground".
Malnar2.jpgThe Final Days189 viewsPFC Greg Malnar tends to some sore feet atop LZ Mile High at Tam Ky. Greg was in the FDC and later served as an RTO with Lt Bert Landau.
Casp1.jpgThe Final Days186 viewsCapt Mike Casp, Battery Commander, just after monsoon lifted.

It was extremely regrettable that Capt Casp, filling in for a LNO who was on R&R, was in a C&C chopper shot down while on a Recon Mission. He was a wonderful Battery Commander!
murray.jpgCapt Charles A. Murray184 viewsCompany Commander of A/2/35. West Point grad who later became a trial lawyer. Proud to have served with Charlie as his FO.
SkyCrane.jpgHauling Water183 viewsA Sikorsky Sky Crane is put on duty to haul a water trailer. Usually a chore handled by the CH-47s.
Wigginton.JPGNew Lens183 viewsPfc Douglas Wigginton served as a "volunteer" to have his picture taken with a new portrait lens purchased in Hong Kong. Still gotta work on focus, though.
TamKy5.jpgThe Final Days179 viewsSetting up shop way up in the mountains.
PowderChg.jpgPowder Bags179 viewsMy family had no clue as to what "powder charges" were, so I clipped out this news article which showed the proper display of the powder charges being held up for count verification and sent it homeward.
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