The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Dennis L Dauphin
KontumHills.JPGScenic View200 viewsThis road may be part of the Highway 19 that ran from An Khe to Qui Nhon.
InsideARVN.jpgView from inside200 viewsPhoto taken from inside the ARVN compound. Note the heavily fortified fence. February, 1967.
AerialViewPaddies.jpgRice Paddies - Aerial View199 viewsA helicopter view of the irrigation system for rice paddies near Duc Pho.
SouthChinaSea.jpgDivision Dump199 viewsThis was the site of the Division-sized ammo dump that eventually provided us with the fantastic July fireworks display.
MajCondry.JPGFellow Bn Officer on R&R199 viewsMajor Willie J. Condry, the 2/9th Battalion Adjutant, was also taking R&R in Hong Kong.
Sunrise.JPGSunrise, Sunset198 viewsMorning and evening skies were a palette of a million colors.
TamKy-Goodbye.jpgThe Final Days198 viewsRushing around to take pictures of "my guys" before catching a chopper and meeting my "Freedom Bird" home. Some of the last photos of cannoneers of A/2/9 taken before going home.
Here I bid farewell to PFC Doug Wigginton, Sp4 Ed Selent, and Sp4 Ron Hammond. Late October, 1967.
Flooded_Paddies.jpgLZ OD - Flooding the paddies196 viewsAlmost totally unfazed by the surrounding hostilities, the rice farmers flood their fields. A clear view (looking south) from LZ OD to LZ Montezuma / Bronco in the distance. The rice paddies were worked every day. We had no road transportation out of LZ OD. You had to fly or walk.
GotBeer.jpgWarm Beer196 viewsThe year was 1967 and the beer was available; warm beer, that is. It was 3.2 beer and warm, but...we drank it anyway!
scan0002.jpgGot Beer?195 viewsYou never knew what a luxury hot beer would be! Lt Dauphin shows off a "beer moustache".
L-19.jpgLZ Montezuma195 viewsAn L-19 light observation craft used by Forward Air Controllers (FAC) to coordinate air strikes by confirming ground target locations.
Sunrise2.JPGSunrise, Sunset195 viewsThe sun rises behind the mountain that served as the rear flank for the 3rd Brigade HQ at LZ Montezuma/FSB Bronco.
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