Most viewed - Steve Gorecky

SG-7.JPGRelocation at LZ Incoming189 viewsGetting settled at LZ Incoming. Lt George is in the center.

SG-14.JPGSandbags do work!189 viewsThis photo is living proof that sandbags saved lives. These three (3) layers of sandbags stopped a mortar round on the top of the FDC CONEX roof. We had to clean our pants after that hit.

SG-20.JPGMy Album!189 viewsWelcome to my world...the world of Sgt Steve Gorecky, FDC, FA...Vietnam. The "Dead Dink" score is just behind my head on my left. "A" Battery was credited with a certain number of "kills". That number indicated the number of bad guys that weren't going to have another birthday. Note the "Mighty Ninth" FDC sign behind me. I came here just in time to "celebrate" TET-68. Lucky me!

SG-8.JPGLZ Incoming188 viewsOn LZ Incoming just before the shit hit the fan. Lt George in center; Jimmy Loy is at right. The FDC CONEX hole is in on the left.

SG-19.JPGLZ Mile High Chopper Pad177 viewsThe chopper pad on LZ Mile High was just feet away from our bunkers. That's Loy & Beringer humping water or gas cans.

SG-6.JPGLoading up164 viewsJust before we loaded up for our trip to LZ Incoming on the wonderful "Shithooks"! L to R: Pete Beringer, ____, Ed ____, George Skulzachek (nickname "Caesar"), and Lt George in the background. Just before this, our CO told us very undiplomatically that some of us would NOT return. Reason perhaps for the unhappy faces, huh?

SG-22a.JPGLZ Pony158 viewsWe hooked out of LZ Meade and landed on an interesting little LZ called "Pony". LZ Pony was low and flat and adjacent to an airstrip (very adjacent). There was a rice paddy just north of the LZ. The photo shows the FDC bunker and the two fellows are George Skulzachek on the left and Greg Malnar on the right.

SG-28.JPGTaking a break on LZ Meade157 viewsThe FDC crew taking a well-deserved break in front of the FDC bunker. From Left to Right: Pete Beringer, Greg Malnar, Lou Onarato, Jimmy Loy, Mickey Mattocks.

SG-29.JPGHigh Angle fire at LZ Meade153 viewsSmoke, fire and destruction! The gun crew is firing a high-angle mission. Conditions were quite smoky. Not a very pretty LZ.

SG-4.JPGPhu Cat Airbase150 viewsHere we are at Phu Cat AFB the day we flew into Kontum. I'm in the center; forgotten the name of the FDC guy on my left.

SG-30.JPGLZ Meade fire missions150 viewsMore firing by "A" Battery just before leaving LZ Meade. When it was not so dusty, we could actually see the South China Sea from this LZ.

SG-27.JPGRe-visiting Iwo Jima?145 viewsThe FDC crew was attempting to be clever in duplicating the flag-raising on Iwo Jima. It was actually the raising of a R-292 antenna. Can't communicate without it. Smiling Greg Malnar on the left leading the event. Great place for a sniper on the hill behind. We did not stay there long enough for anyone to figure that out thankfully.