The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - David G. Scott
DScott-2.JPG"The Undertaker"260 viewsThe tube is named the "Undertaker". Everyone wanting to file a VA tinnitus claim: Take Note! See the safety ear plugs being used by the Cannoneer at right front? I don't either! The crew is firing the newer M102 Howitzer.
DScott-Silver_Star.JPGGO 6717235 viewsCapt Scott honored for his actions at LZ Gypsy on 16Sep69.
DScott_Quiet_Time.JPGOrganized229 viewsThis gun section has their act together.
DScott_Home.JPGHome228 viewsAin't much...but it was home to us.
DScott-1.JPGHigh Angle fire222 viewsEveryone digging through their FM6-40s for refreshers on high angle fire.
DScott-4.JPGRe-designed vehicle220 viewsNo...this isn't a new GM truck off the lot. It was re-designed by the enemy. Uncle Sam would not likely approve these modifications. And, oh yeah, we just got word of a CMMI next week.
DScott_Gun_Crew.JPGLotsa Cannoneers211 viewsGun crew and company firing away. Looking at the enlarged view of the photo, more evidence that gun crews and "extras" used those "palm digits" to protect their ears.
{"Can you hear me now?"}
DScott-3.JPGBattery Commander, "C" Battery198 views"Hi, I'm Cpt David Scott. Make this interview quick because I've got to catch that artillery bus behind me." Yes, I served under Major Jerry Orr as the Asst S-3 in the HQ Bn. He jumped my ass on a regular basis, but he taught me a lot.
DScott_ready.JPG196 viewsLots of memories here...the sandbags, the M2 Aiming Circle, the R292 antenna reaching into the sky, the ammo crates, interlocking bunkers.
Calming_the_bees.jpgUnder the "B": Attack!!183 viewsAbout a million bees wanted to RSOP our battery position. We popped some smoke to try and calm them. Maj Tarr, the FAC pilot, thought we were under attack and was ready to call in some F-4s. A great guy.
Monkey_Business.JPGEveryone drafted182 viewsEven the monkeys got into the act.
DScott_Tarr.JPGThe "Tarr Baby"179 viewsCessna 02: Pilot Major Roger Tarr at the controls. I flew with the FAC when I was the Bde LNO. Roger would come by to say "hello" and put on an aerial show.
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