Most viewed - 35th Reunion - 2011

SA-15.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita97 viewsIt may look like a picnic table in the middle of a street scene, but it's actually the men and gals of C-1-35 and 2/9th Arty enjoying a Friday night soiree.

BL-1.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet97 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

BL-6.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet96 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

SA-10.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita95 viewsJackie Dauphin (Lt Dennis Dauphin) and Lorraine Knight (Lt Mike Kurtgis) seemed to be in the street with the approaching bandido in a colorful wall mural at the La Margarita restaurant in the Mexican Market.

SA-14.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita95 viewsLt Bert "Bert-Ku" Landau sharing smiles with Sgt Edwin Moor and guest Lou Ann.

BL-3.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet95 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.

J_Orr-7.JPG35th Reunion - 201195 viewsOops...almost forgot Jerry! Grab a chair, Jer!

J_Orr-16.JPGFriday Night Special at LaMargarita95 viewsJohn "Moon" Mullins, Jerry Orr, Nancy Cowan and Len Berkel.

SA-13.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita94 viewsLt FO Dennis Munden appears justly proud of amazing his audience with his story-telling. Lovely spouse Alexis Munden seated at right and Lt Gary Dean Springer (with the "Santa Claus" hair) is seated at the table end.

J_Orr-8.JPG35th Reunion - 201194 viewsThe Keiths and Dauphins enjoy the ride on the River; a major tourist attraction for the city of SA.

SA-17.JPGParty Time! C-1-35 & 2/9th Arty at the LaMargarita93 viewsFirst-Timer Sgt Len Berkel and his lovely guest Nancy Cowan enjoy the party. Len arrived in Nam only to see the 2/9th Arty leave him behind and he was re-assigned to another Arty unit.

BL-2.JPGThe Saturday Night Banquet93 viewsBanquet photos courtesy of Lt Bert Landau, FO, 2/9th Arty.