The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook55.JPGSetting Up in a new LZ109 viewsI'm a member of the Advance Party, pulling the firing chart out of its canvas carrying bag as we begin life in yet another LZ.
JCook13a.JPG105mm shrapnel109 viewsNuttin' to mess with; the 105mm can do some bodily harm. Same piece of shrapnel shown on a plate.
JCook85.JPGCSMO109 views"Close Station, March Order" - get the hell out of Dodge. Ammo placed in the A-22 slings. The 3/4 ton is loaded up with the FDC gear.
JCook-132.JPGNo homeowners insurance109 viewsNote the "hooch" that appears just below the belly of the Chinook. After the Chinook lifts off, there is no more "hooch".
JCook22y.JPGFDC Tent after Pink Kitty108 viewsThis new tent also served as the FDC sleeping quarters. The cot is in the background. This is a close-up view of the left end of the FDC tent with me at the Firing Chart.
JCook32.JPGAlong Route 14107 viewsI am thinking this picture is early and probably is an "EARLY" attempt at building fox holes. We never had any training in Hawaii on foxhole digging. But we had to dig the BC's hole and the XO's in Hawaii. Lack of training shows here - I think we put it up for show and not survival. Again this early in Nam and might even be among the FIRST hole ever dug.
JCook51.JPGBomb crater107 viewsAccording to the cardboard mount, it indicates a bomb crater filled with water. I think it was a 500-lb bomb.
JCook53.JPGBreaking camp107 viewsAs per the cardboard mount, this photo indicates that B/2/9 is breaking camp with the 105mm ammo in "A-22" slings. This is the time when the FDC was located in a 3/4-ton truck.
JCook72.JPGChu Pung Mountains107 viewsThe Chu Pung Mountains. You can see the rain in the distance.
JCook71.JPGChow Line107 viewsThe evening meal was almost always "A" Rations.
JCook-138.JPGWet LZ107 viewsGuess no one looked at the elevation of the LZ or how rainwater was supposed to drain off.
JCook41.JPGFeathered Friend106 viewsThis bird showed up with the "A" mess ration, delivered every day in the field.
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