The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook40.JPGFeb 1966 High Angle Fire116 viewsHowitzer ready for high angle fire. Note the tents in the foreground.
JCook43.JPGLt Herrick, 2/9th FA staff; Lt James A. Mager, Corps of Engineers116 viewsJoe poses with two Lieutenants. The sign overhead reads: "Bravo Ever Ready" and "Mighty Ninth Sir" with the unit designation and the 25th Inf Div Tropic Lightning patch in the center.

L to R: Lt Chris Q. Herrick and Lt James A. Meger (Corps of Engineers) on either side of Sgt Joe Cook.
JCook44.JPGFeb 1966116 viewsTaken from a truck: a village near Pleiku
JCook52.JPGTonight's Entree116 viewsThis lizard came into our AO and didn't live to tell about it.
JCook45a.JPGSpoils of war116 viewsCaptured enemy grenades. Also known as "potato mashers".
JCook22d.JPGUnderground Bunker - the orginal CONEX FDC concept116 viewsThe next change for our FDC operations was CONEX containers. We buried two (2) CONEX containers in Base Camp. They were dug in with the help of a bulldozer. They were facing each other, dropped into the hole and covered with sandbags. We made a "sandbag staircase" to get back to the surface. I don't know how this would work out in monsoon season. Inside the containers, we used red lights at night and white lights during the day. We moved in our standard field tables for the charts and placed the radios on ammo boxes.
JCook24.jpgPacking Up115 viewsCSMO - Close Station, March Order. Close the trails, stick the load on top and wait for the CH-47.
JCook64.JPGDon't Do This115 viewsYou were supposed to learn in Boy Scouts not to do this: pitch your tent on low ground. We had to move, obviously!
JCook94.JPGAmmo Dump - Tea Plantation115 viewsUnsecured and unprotected ammo supply at the Tea Plantation forward area.
JCook-129.JPGMucky-Stucky115 viewsThe Huey lost its hydraulics and the skids collapsed.
JCook31.JPGDUI Driver - May 1966114 viewsOur Jeep Driver was drunk coming back from Pleiku on a pass and ran the Jeep off the road. No one was hurt.
JCook35.JPGWater Buffalo Herd114 viewsThis photo taken near Route 19 (later known as Hwy 19) reveals a herd of water buffalo in the distance.
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