The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook22a.jpg"Base Camp" - Jan 1966; FDC Trailer brought over from Hawaii136 viewsCenter & Right: PFC Richard A. Williams & Sp4 Larry L. Black. They are shaving facing the FDC. We had been in-country from two to four days at this point. The FDC for "B" Battery was a 3/4-ton truck with generator. The FDC was known as the "Pink Kitty"; it was pink inside. It was made of plywood and brought over from Hawaii. See next photos for the progression of our FDC housing.
Our "wash area" is located where my right foot is.
JCook36.JPGFresh Haircut136 viewsPhoto taken at Bien Ho, a lake near our base camp at Pleiku. This is the lake where we did laundry alongside the Vietnamese.
Sgt Joe Cook poses with two Vietnamese children. The boy next to Joe spoke English; his name is "Co" and he is wearing Joe's hat (backwards, naturally). The boy in the white shirt is Con Tin. Picture taken before our 'B" Battery ever went to the field to stay. Date, approximately January 1966. Joe is sporting a new haircut from a Vietnamese barber.
JCook-133.JPGWaiting135 viewsSitting here waiting on a Chinook...but ready for a fire mission. Head phones are nearby.
JCook14.jpgThe FDC Tent134 viewsSp4 James McBrayer, Jr. inside; Battery Commander Capt Frederick C. Rice outside holding tent pole.
JCook29.JPGFDC Tent - Field Version - May 1966134 viewsAfter the "Pink Kitty", after the GP-small above-ground tent, after the submerged CONEX containers, this is what my FDC looked like out in the "boonies". Our FDC was arranged in a horseshoe trench; we could maneuver around the firing charts. The Operation was "Paul Revere"; the location is south of Duc Co".
JCook16.jpgNeat Sign131 viewsAnyone recall seeing this sign? One of the better signs indicating our headquarters.
JCook46.JPGFeb 1966130 views"B" Battery at Pleiku
JCook-122.JPGBase Camp at a distance130 viewsLooking at Base Camp on a knoll with cattle shade sheds to the right.
Cook.JPGFt Sill Reunion - 2/9th Brother Redlegs attending130 viewsJoe Cook attends our historic reunion, May-June, 2013
JCook23.JPG"Base Camp" - Jan 1966 Armed & Ready129 viewsHere I am with my trusty.....M-14? Well, that's what we had, anyway. Note that the starch is still in the fatigue pants and my boots still have that "stateside" shine.
JCook-126.JPGR-292's129 viewsRadio antennas grouped around battery area. One of our better bunker jobs. Walking away to the left is a red-headed Lieutenant. (Most likely Lt Chris Herrick).
JCook12.jpgTriple-Dipple128 viewsHere is a CH-47 lifting a water buffalo and three (not two) brass casing Packs. We had a miscommunication -- and the pilot thought he had two casing Packs. So he dragged the bottom pack through our Battery and we lucky no damage to us or to him.
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