The Mighty Ninth

Strive To Reach The Summit

Most viewed - Joe Cook
JCook88.JPGSetting up the field FDC156 viewsYou didn't get a diploma from Gunnery unless you could use an RDP fan (range deflection protractor). Deflection readings go to the guns while Quadrant Elevation (QE) must be calculated.
JCook5.jpgField Services150 viewsOutdoor mass in the field.
JCook8.jpgPuff, the Magic Dragon148 viewsNight firing exercise by Puff.
JCook10.jpgDee-Fense146 viewsGrabbing material of some sort to improve our defensive position.
JCook87.JPGGetting Started - no frills FDC, 1966146 viewsI take the coordinates, plot Battery Center on the chart and then use the RDP (Range Deflection Protractor) or "the fan" to get ranges to target.
JCook-130.JPG"Artillery furniture"143 viewsAmmo crate slates were the building blocks of artillery furniture. (Note. Later units brought furniture building out of crates to an art form.)
JCook13.jpgThe 105mm bullet141 viewsA piece of 105mm shrapnel taken from a VC.
JCook9.jpgDemonstration139 viewsWe're showing the ARVNs how we fill sandbags. They were glad to let us do it.
JCook34.JPGMarch, 1966139 viewsGun Section emplacement, March 1966. Note the very neat circle of sandbags. You can tell this howitzer passed a "stateside" inspection before being shipped to Nam. Note the "shield" is still on the right side.
JCook49.JPGOur Arrival139 viewsA bulldozer leads the way straight through the jungle.
JCook-131.JPGTea Plantation, October, 1966139 viewsIt almost looks organized.
JCook-119.JPGRiding the trails137 viewsHere is a Lambretta bus riding along old gun pit and APC trails.
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