
JCook83.JPGLZ 29A91 viewsThis area was known as "LZ 29A". Here is the #5 Gun Section in the tall elephant grass.

JCook-112.JPGCool Jeep Driver91 viewsYep...the Jeep Driver gets to wear the fancy shades.

JCook-115.JPGBreak Time91 viewsCleaned my mess kit and my uniform. Taking a break. (Note that short wall of sandbags around the tent. That concept quickly dumped in favor of bunkers as time went by.)

JCook77.JPG"Willy" Wilams88 viewsPFC Richard A. (Willy) Willams standing outside the ten in the elephant grass.

JCook-113.JPGConvoy Lead vehicle88 viewsNote reads: "Road March. First tiem since May 11 (1966) when Operation Paul Revere started."
I'm driving the lead vehicle as Capt Osborne, BC, climbs aboard. A dozer leads the way for us.

JCook-116.JPGStanding by85 viewsThe trails are closed; tools packed...waiting for liftoff to another LZ.

JCook-108.JPGWar Zone humor84 viewsThe sign reads: "The Bombproof Hilton". Underneath it reads "Conveniently located..." before the print fades.

JCook-117.JPGIllumination at night83 viewsFiring 105mm illumination rounds.

JCook-114.JPGElephant Grass82 viewsThe elephant grass made fields of fire difficult.
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